Sapporo Symphony Orchestra

A professional orchestra based at the Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara

Based at the Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara, the Sapporo Symphony Orchestra is Hokkaido’s only professional orchestra. If you want to enjoy the transparent sound and powerful expression of the Sapporo Symphony Orchestra, we recommend the regular concerts. If likened to a course meal, the “appetizer” would be the pre-performance lobby concert. If you take your seat with mounting expectation, the day’s “main course” with quality performances featuring world-renowned guest conductors and soloists will be awaiting you. We want you to experience the feeling of your whole body being enveloped by the sound unique to Kitara, which boasts one of the best acoustic space in the world. For “dessert”, there is the clean air of the lush green at Nakajima Park. Enjoy the lingering tones of the concert in the pleasant night air.

Sapporo Symphony Orchestra

Sapporo Symphony Orchestra (inside the Sapporo Concert Hall), Nakajima Koen 1-15, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Additional details
For detailed information, please check the official webpage.